Diana Demco

Diana Demco

My 12 Favorite Problems

Where does your mind go when you’re not working on anything in particular? Giving your brain a specific list of problems to keep running in the background and be on the lookout for possible solutions is a brilliant exercise for…

20 Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves

Chiselled on a column at the Temple of Apollo reads the well-known aphorism Know thyself. This ancient bit of ancient wisdom is still relevant today. Self-examination is an effective way of shining light on your own patterns of thought and…

On Art and Beauty

Keep good company – that is, go to the Louvre. (Paul Cézanne) The last time I dedicated hours to a museum visit was a few years ago when I went to the Prague National Gallery, which hosts permanent and short-term…

Why You Should Take Your Mind for a Walk

Two millennia ago, if you happened to be in Athens, you might have spotted a middle-aged man pacing around the Lyceum, a place used for a range of activities, among which was education. We know him today as Aristotle. And…

7 Concepts to Grasp the Fullness of Life

life concepts

Everyone should have their toolbox of concepts to pull from. When you’re anxious, worried, lost or overwhelmed, it helps to be able to draw from a repertoire or ideas and ways of relating to life, so that we get a…